Phlebotomy (Blood) appointments
Phlebotomy (Blood) appointments are now available to book through EMIS Access. Please remember these appointments are for routine blood appointments (for anyone who has bloods done regularly for medication or a medical condition) or a blood test which the doctor has requested you have done. If you have any queries please contact reception on 01935 850225.
Ante-Natal Clinics
Tuesday afternoon with the midwife
With the Practice Nurses and doctor
Health Visitor Clinics
Clinic is held weekly on a Wednesday 9.30-11.30 at The Balsam Centre, Wincanton
Baby Clinic 3rd Thursday of the Month – 14.00 – 16:00
Child Health Surveillance – By invitation
Children’s Immunisations
Alternate Thursdays at 11.00
Family Planning and Well Woman
By appointment with any of the doctors.
Minor Surgery
By arrangement with the doctor
Parentcraft and Post-Natal Support
Courses arranged according to demand see midwife.
Our Musculoskeletal clinics are held at the surgery on a Wednesday and appointments can be booked directly via reception. These clinics are perfect for anybody who may be experiencing muscle or joint problems. Appointments can be booked directly with our specialist Musculoskeletal Practitioner, Rachael Montgomery. She is able to provide assessment, diagnosis, advice and onward referral if needed.
Private Services
Chiropractic – Alison Rigby
Every Friday afternoon.
Please ring Wincanton Chiropractic Clinic on 01963 32986 to book an appointment.
Counselling Service
Via the doctor