Before registering, please make sure you consult the practice boundary (link below), if your address is out of our practice boundary, we will unfortunately be unable to accept your registration. New patients are placed on the list of the doctor in whose area they live. Patients may see any doctor of their choice when visiting the surgery.
Once you have checked you are within the practice boundary you can register with us in several different ways below.
1. Collect registration forms from the practice.
2. Complete online registration forms through the link below.
3. Print the forms listed below complete and send into the surgery
Registration Form
QCMC – Health Questionnaire
Under 16s – Health
Please make sure you include both the Registration Form and the Health Questionnaire, failing to provide both documents could delay the registration process.
Dispensing Services
We are Dispensing Doctors Surgery and we are able to dispense medicines that are prescribed to our patients. Only certain patients are eligible to receive dispensing services and unfortunately we cannot offer dispensing services to a patient who lives within one mile of a local pharmacy (as the crow flies). This is an NHS regulation.
Summary Care Records
When you register within the NHS you will also be given a Summary Care Record. This project allows some basic details about your medical record to be held on a national computer available to doctors in surgeries and hospitals throughout England. At present this will be name, date of birth, address and also allergies and recent medication. We have insisted that, if any additional information such as medical history is to be added, it would only be done after further consultation. There are theoretical benefits to such a system in that, if you are taken ill anywhere in the country, doctors caring for you can check for medication and allergy problems before treating you. Some people are not happy with the principle of more data being held about them and there is an option to stop your name being included. If you wish you can opt out of having a Summary Care record, by going to the following link
Practice Leaflet
Patient Letter
Non-English speakers
For information in all languages regarding NHS services, please go to the NHS website.