Mindline Somerset
Emotional Support Helpline Coronavirus: 01823 276 892.
Available: Mon-Fri 9am – 11pm and Sat-Sun 8pm-11pm
Open 24 hours a day, seven-days a week. Mindline is open to people of all ages who need urgent mental health support. The helpline is the first port of call for mental health help and it is operated by people in your local area who will know how best to support you.
Chat Health
ChatHealth is a new mobile health service for parents and young people in Somerset making it easier to get health and wellbeing advice. Available Monday-Friday 9am – 4pm.
Parents of children 0-4: Confidential help from the Health Visiting Team for parents and carers of 0-4 years. Just send a text 07480 635514
Parents of children 5-19 years: If you have a child 5-19 and looking for confidential help and advice? Just send a text to your School Nurse Team. Text 07480 635515
Young People 11-19 years: Discreet and quick. If you’re aged 11-19 it only takes one text to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from a local School Nurse and you don’t have to give your name if you don’t want to. Text 07480 635516
Young Somerset
Young Somerset’s Wellbeing Service is a FREE wellbeing support for young people experiencing low level mental health needs. Find out
more here: www.youngsomerset.org.uk/wellbeing-support
What is the Virtual Hub? This is a safe online space for young people & parents to find out about what support is available in your area. We also have interactive workshops each week on social media, led by Young Somerset’s team to give you professional advice and guidance on how to maintain positive Wellbeing, and look after your Mental Health. – find out more here: www.youngsomerset.org.uk/the-hubs
Kooth – Safe and anonymous online support for young people until 10pm with friendly counsellors, self-help and community support. kooth.com
And More…
❖ For further Health & Wellbeing tips, advice & information including support for parents and carers go to the Public Health website: www.cypsomersethealth.org
❖ For further information & support for young people during the Coronavirus go to: www.youngsomerset.org.uk/coronavirus-support-for-young-people